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Dewpoint temperature, Td, is the temperature at which the water vapor contained in a gas starts to condense when cooled.

露点温度 (T d ) 是气体中的 水蒸汽在冷却过程中开始凝结结露时的温度。

Dewpoint is defined as the temperature at which a moist gas is saturated with respect to a plane surface of pure liquid water.

露点被定义为在湿气体达到饱 和状态并在平面表面产生纯液态水时的温度 P w = P ws (Td)

Pw is partial water vapor pressure 水蒸汽分压

• Pws is water vapor ' s saturation pressure. 饱和水蒸汽压力

• Td is dew point temperature 露点温度

At this state condensation and evaporation are at an equilibrium and take place at the same rate.

在这种状态时水的凝结和蒸发达到平衡状态并且以相 同的速度进行。

• proportional only to the pressure of water vapour (T n , m, A are constants) 只和水 蒸汽压力相关

• measurement sensitive to pressure changes 测量对压力变化非常敏感

Dewpoint is not temperature dependent but only pressure dependent parameter.

露点是只和压力相关 , 并不和温度相关 的一个参数。

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